Python Installation Linux
eCognition provides support for the execution of Python programs. The implementation is based on Python Version 3.10.16 (Python Software Foundation, and offers the ability to perform image analysis, data management and more tasks using Python scripts.
To use Python scripts in eCognition you need a valid eCognition Developer license and the latest eCognition
License Server.
The eCognition installation for Linux comprises the following python libraries/packages:
Numpy - used for rasters and regions
Pandas - support of vector data, attributes and geometries
Shapely - holds geometry for vectors
SciPy - supports special functions, integration, ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers, and gradient optimization
Manage Python Environments
There are two ways to select a python environment:
Change the 'general -> Python default environment' variable to a different environment path in eCognition.cfg
Option only available for DIACmdEngine: Set the --virtual-env=path command line argument in DIACmdEngine (if this argument is set it will take precedence over the environment that is set in the eCognition.cfg)
Extend the base eCognition-env environment using the following steps:
1. Activation: source "/opt/eCognition Cmd Client 10.5.0/bin/Python/eCognition-env/bin/activate" -> Activate the environment.
For example: source "/opt/eCognition Cmd Client 10.5.0/bin/Python/eCognition-env/bin/activate"
2. Use pip to install new packages. For example: pip install numpy
If any of the changes destroy this environment, it is necessary to reinstall eCognition to fix it.
Creation of a new environment:
To create new environment you have to use eCognition's python installation.
For example: "/opt/eCognition Cmd Client 10.3.0/bin/Python/Python/bin/python3" -m venv /home/env.
Afterwards, that environment can be activated "source /home/env/bin/activate". Please use pip to install packages.
eCognition requires 3 packages installed: Numpy, Pandas and Shapely. Without them the environment will not work in eCognition.
See also:
Reference Book > Algorithms and Processes > Miscellaneous > Python Script - description algorithm and its parameters
Reference Book > Algorithms and Processes > Miscellaneous > Python API Reference - reference for each class, properties and methods
User Guide > Python Integration - application examples for python scripts
Installation Guide > Windows > Python Installation - installation and setup